Wednesday, April 9, 2014

GoDaddy Bookkeeping Software

So I recently became a Bzzagent. For those of you who don't know what it is, please check it out at . It is an awesome website where you get products for free and you post about your thoughts, good and bad. My first campaign was for GoDaddy Bookkeeping software. I sell on Ebay so I was super excited. Check out this video and learn more about GoDaddy!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I AM.....

I have mentioned a couple of times on Facebook about watching Oprah's life class the other night. She had Pastor Joel Osteen as her guest, to whom I am a huge fan. He always delivers such an uplifting message. Messages that make you think you can go out and change not only your life, but the world. I took pages after pages of notes. I wanted to write this, just so people that didn't get the opportunity to watch it, may find peace with situations in their lives. Here are some of the notes that I took. The topic was I am... Pastor Osteen says that anything that you put after the phrase I am, breaths life into your dreams. It allows you to speak good over your life instead of always speaking negatively.

 Key Phrases:

Life is how you see it. Start seeing your life in a positive way instead of a negative way. Even if negative thoughts arise, don't give life to them, don't speak them. You may find yourself thinking them, which is fine as long as you don't put them out there. He says that any word that your mouth speaks, your ears hear. Find something every morning to be grateful for. Start your day out on a positive note instead of a negative one.

Anything is possible if you have the faith to believe it. Pretty self explanatory.

Whatever follows the phrase I Am... will come back looking for you. It will find room in your life if you will take the time to speak it, to give it life. There is something in everyone's life that is positive. Here are some examples of words that can follow I Am _____ to help you start speaking positive into your life.

I Am:

  1. Talented
  2. Focused
  3. Disiplined
  4. Beautiful
  5. Worthwhile
  6. Blessed
  7. Valuable
  8. Creative
  9. Worthy
  10. Powerful 
  11. Excited
  12. Strong
  13. Healthy
  14. Confident
  15. Secure
  16. Blessed
  17. Excited about my future
  18. Victorious
God never promised that we wouldn't have challenges. Life isn't over after a disappointment, You have to keep on. Life is a book, don't get stuck on the page. Turn the page.

We are ordained for a purpose. As long as you have breath, someone needs what you have. Keep looking to find what your purpose is. Don't give up. God knows when you no longer have a purpose. If your reading this, you have one.

If you find yourself hurting, go and help someone. Putting our talents and companionship out there will not only make us feel better, but also what a blessing you would be to someone who needs you to get through their struggle.

Don't go through life fighting. Be in peace, its a position of power. God will get you to where you need to be.

Wherever you are in any given moment is where you are supposed to be.

Comparing yourself to others is an act of violence. No one else can be you.  And as Oprah said, "you got that down". Be confident in who god made you to be. Change the recording in your mind. Use the I am phrase to help you do so.

Take life one day at a time.. Even if you feel that you can't go forth, ask yourself , "Can I be grateful, Can I be my best for 24 more hours?" Then repeat.

The enemy hits you when you are at your lowest. The harder the hit the bigger your blessing will be. In tough times, God has something planned for you, something better than before.

Be Grateful!

Have Goals

It may be dark, but the sun is still shining. Something is blocking the sunshine, but it's still there. Eventually it will shine down on you again.


Constantly seek to do better and be better. God's dream is big for you. If you believe that all things are possible, you will become what you believe. Live in the space of gods dream for you.

Your dream is tied into your purpose. Say "I want to fullfill my purpose, then go chase your dreams.

Set your goals High! Have flexible goals, keep setting them, build, and then go higher, go further. Create a vision for your life that grows inside you. Your vision will pull you forward. If it's not hard, your not dreaming big enough. 

There is no sin in failing, the sin is in not trying..

Take your limits off, Pray BOLD and honor him for putting the desire in you.

Wait for God's timing. Be faithful where you are. " I'm going to give it my best" even if it's below your potential.

Think about what you have been through already.....your still standing.

Fight the Never Lies

Be thankful for the right people

Come back to faith

God has a Plan!

Use your energy to believe...not to worry. It takes the same energy to beleive as it does to worry. Use it in the right direction. 

You have to come to your closed doors before you can get to your open doors. There may be 30 closed doors, but unless you go beyond the closed ones, you'll never get to your open doors. Accept the closed door, everyone fails. Go to the next door.

Your mind is like a television, when you think negative thoughts, change the channel to a positive thought.

God controls the winds. When your facing a challenge, God can change the way the wind blows your sails. Instead of blowing you back he can blow you to your potential.

Be your best where you are.

If you don't talk to yourself, yourself will talk to you.

God loves you so much that he allows difficulty. Bigger difficulty means bigger future.

God will not give you a dream if he doesn't want to bring it to pass.

Expect God's favor every morning

Be patient.

Speak kind words to everyone, speak them to your children and speak them to your loved ones.

You can find more information on Oprah's Lifeclass here
Joel Osteen here, and you can purchase his new AWESOME book, "I Declare" here.

All above text is not my own, with exception to my thoughts. I was not paid anything for anything in this blog.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

DIY Minnie Mouse Denim Skirt

We only have 19 days until we leave for Disney. The kids & I made autograph books for the Disney Characters to sign. I had some leftover ribbon & got creative. I recently picked up a denim skirt for A.J at Goodwill. I paid .50 cents for it, so it was perfect to experiment with. This is what I came up with. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

I survived!

It has been one crazy week. So crazy that I wish I could have bypassed it all {With the exception of Saturday Date Night}I've said it many times, that I was half tempted to ask the hospital to put me in a medically induced coma, because I have never felt this far off my rocker. Any and every little thing each day was a struggle. I questioned things that should've been left alone, I cried, begged, cried, screamed, cried, you get the picture.

It all started on Monday when I had to drive to Indianapolis to pick up Lexi & Bailey from  their Christmas visit with their grandparents. Busie had told me what bad weather they were supposed to get. All was clear when we left for the trip. I took A.J to Lindsays, and traded her for Dan's son Quinn. He & Bailey are the best of friends, and I knew that Bailey would enjoy the trip back much more if Quinn was along for the ride. Which means a quieter car ride. The farther north we drove, the more and more snow we saw on the ground surrounding us. However roads were clear & driveable. I checked on Char & Ted's progress, she said that they were still ok. They like us hit bouts of bad weather. It was almost like the wind was in one spot blowing snow in a blizzard like fashion. 300 feet later, clear as day. I didn't really give much thought to it because we hadn't been blessed with a hint of snow yet this season, really didn't think it was going to turn out like it did. Here's some pictures that my aspiring photographer daughter Lex snapped on the way through.
Our first encounter with a snowband.
Then it was clear again.

I'm sure you all read the post about the car accident that we slid through. I had never in my life been so scared. One other car besides myself got through this tangled mess. You can read the story and watch video here. We were on 465 East by Mann Road. I feel so blessed, honestly, and truthfully. Call it whatever you want but I'll call it divine intervention. We had some prayers going up that day.

If Monday wasn't enough for my already sleep deprived body. I finished taking down all my Christmas decorations when we got home, and got to bed late. Only for Tuesday to come and start my hell for the remainder of the week. Bailey missed the bus everyday except Friday because we didn't wake up in time. Definitely a hard adjusting week. I think were getting a little closer to being back to normal. Our schedules are getting back on track. I'm finally feeling well enough to brave going out into the world, and not shacked up in my house. I have chosen not to leave for the fear that I would sub-come to my nicotine addiction, thus putting me into a depression because I hadn't seen the outside except to drive to work for 2 days. So it is now day 6, still not smoking. I am going longer and longer without patches. I still crave them oh so bad. It's one minute at a time, as long as I can get past each minute, I'm that much closer. I still need prayers, because it's far from over. I feel like I get weaker each day, instead of getting stronger. It should be the other way around, shouldn't it? However, I choose this. I will do this. If not for the kids & I, for all the ones that doubted I could. You should see the smile I get thinking about it.

Also this week on a happy note, my dear Jeff & Chris had their little baby Peyton. She joins her two bigger sisters, Lorelie & Abby. Little Peyton was the first born at the hospital on the New Year!

Condolences to Matt & Tracey for the loss of Matt's dad this week. I'm thinking about you guys. RIP Dennis.

I take away from this week, that in a drop of a dime, your life can change, for the good for the bad. Make sure you let everyone know what they mean to you. Take time to make someone smile. Take time to do something for someone else. Enjoy your life and the people in it. Tomorrow is not a guarantee. I'll take the time now to tell you all, I LOVE YOU!!!

 1 John 4:7  Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

Read more:

Friday, January 6, 2012

After the last cigarette..

Quitting smoking is something that I have thought about, and attempted to do for years. It is also one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It is harder than four pregnancy's, four births, a lot of broken hearts, death. It is hard. The cigarette was there for me through all of my tough moments, and we undoubtedly became good friends.
When I was younger, cigarettes were cool. They were the thing that the kids and I hung out did. I started a very early age. Even though I am not that old, and my children will disagree, when i thought about it, I have been smoking for 15 years. Almost half my life. Every year I would notice that I was going to the doctor more and more for breathing related illnesses, bronchitis, chest colds, sinus infections, etc. It was a nasty addiction that I am not proud of. Its not a habit, its an ADDICTION. People who smoke are ADDICTS! Whether we want to call ourselves that or not, it is exactly what we are. My kids have begged me for years to quit. I am afraid to admit that when I've seen stories of parents who are addicted to drugs, and how their children are neglected when these parents chose the substance over the children. I judged them, I said mean things about them, I even called them bad parents. I've seen first hand how children are affected by someone who is addicted to a substance, whether being drugs or alcohol. I have yelled, cussed, cried, begged, pleaded, intervened, acted a complete fool begging him to quit because he was affecting the kids, and he was going to die, and how could he choose this over his children,  etc.  I was always so critical of these parents, thinking "how in the world can they continue to hurt their children over and over?" "How are these kids ever going to have a fighting chance to sit here (craving..breathing) become anything in the future when they're faced with this kind of childhood?" Well here's what I just realized. My kids were children of an addict. Fortunately for us, I was addicted to something that was legal. The drug of my choice.. tobacco. It is a drug that still hurt them (secondhand smoke), it is a drug that took away money from our household, and it is a drug that would eventually kill me. For whatever reason, I always rationalized it to make (craving...) it okay. Not anymore. 

Within the last few months, I have attempted to attempt to try to quit smoking. I went to the doctor for medication, I read articles. I set 3 or 4 quit dates. I started taking meds, stopped taking them. Always with an excuse on why I still continued to smoke. It ranged from being mad that insurance wouldn't cover my chantix RX, to kids stress me out, I forgot to take my medicine. You name it, I had an excuse for it. I dreaded going on field trips because I couldn't smoke, I almost missed my plane in NY because I had to go smoke. I dreaded any and everything that prevented me from having a cigarette at my own leisure. I was a slave to it. Completely and 100%. It ruled my life. It made me miss valuable memories and chances, just so I could walk somewhere and have my addiction fed. 

Tuesday morning, I noticed that I only had two cigarettes left. I was busy trying to take my Christmas decorations down, and didn't want to get dressed to go to the gas station. So I put it off and put it off. About the time I was ready for my last and final cigarette of the pack, I went to the living room and grabbed my purse. On the television was the show, " The Dr's". (big craving.............) I watched this clip here --->The Dr's 1//3/2012. It really grabbed my attention, and I felt like it was a sign. I had one cigarette left, no desire to go buy more, besides to feed my addiction to them, so I decided instead of setting some far off quit date, that I 'd more than likely smoke right through, I'd quit right after that last cigarette. Thus starting my new life as a non smoker. Like I had mentioned, I was ready, I felt like I really was. I hated everything about smoking, except for what it did for my body. It was my best friend. However like with fake friends, sometimes its better to just part ways. So to my little nasty "best friend" although I will have a hard time getting over you, I am completely done with you. Our relationship has ruined so much of my life, to much for me to ever get back. You will not control my future. You are nothing to me anymore. I have changed so many aspects of my life, and I am happy. Your the last thing that needs to leave my life so I can fully move on to my new one. Sayonara!

Here's how my path has went thus far.

Tuesday- Went from 10am-5pm with no smoking. Then went to my sisters house, who smokes, and bummed one from her. Went from 5pm Tuesday until 3pm Thursday with no cigarette. None, not one puff. I did breathing techniques, asked my dear to rub my neck, drank umpteen bottles of water  through straws (it really has helped me). I was hurting, I cried, begged, prayed for some kind of break from the cravings my body was experiencing. However, at hour 45, I was struggling the worst. I forgot things, and at multiple times in the day,I wasn't sure I could tell you what my name was. It was my first day back to work, and with a whole lot of stressors, I broke down. I took two puffs off a cigarette and vomited. I had the worst stomach ache. I was pissed off at myself for undoing 45 hours of not smoking. I was mad that I cracked, and that I let useless people be my excuse for doing so. I am accountable. I chose to break. However I have decided that I can choose not to break again. Ever since my self given ass whippin from breaking, I have not had the desire to smoke. Now don't get me wrong, I still have those tings of anxiety where I feel the need to go smoke, you can see the cravings I've had while typing this by seeing (craving.....). I however don't have the manipulating mind thoughts where Im so desperate that I will find someone or something or some reason to just smoke one. I'm no longer thinking about it. However my body reminds me still, but less and less, that it isn't yet free of the drug. But I for the first time will beat this. No matter what comes my way, I will chose to be a non smoker. I don't want to miss anymore memories. Especially since my life is now filled with the people that I want to make memories with.  Today is Friday and it has been about 50 hours since i decided to be a non smoker, and even though I had a minor setback, my only one...I will introduce  you to me, I'm Amber, the non smoker.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Photo Card

Faith Love Family Religious
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